i got to spen a lovely 4.5 hrs in the ER this morning as i woke up to some heavy bleeding...not this spotting everyones been talking about but drippy sheet staining oh dear god whats happening to me bleeding, so naturally i spaz out wake up my roomate and ask him to take me to St Rose hospital went in there gave them my blood and peed in a cup waited for 45 min the dr stopped in said we would due an ultrasound to make sure the babies alright then nurse Faith*the nurse of DOOM* comes in and administers a catheter...which i think my eyes nearly bugged out of my head and they proceeded to empty my bladder and refill with water due an external ultrasound empty my bladder let me make a mad dash to the bathroom and come back for an internal ultrasound, I really liked the ultrasound guy mainly because he new i was terrified and i went through all of this alone and he camed me down also he showed me my baby and its heartbeat which was amazing , also he removed the tube of death from my bladder...yea we definitly like the guy
was sent back to the room and asked for my SO to be allowed in 40 min later the dr came in and did a pelvic to make sure my cervix was still closed which it was so we knew i was NOT miscarrying he came back 15 min later with test results and everything was normal and i was told to abstain from sex and any difficult movement for my lower half which is fine since my sex drive is shot, then after wards my SO and roomate spoiled me with donuts and ice cream