Shipping Meme - Day 11

Feb 18, 2014 13:09

Day 11: Character you like with several others

I'm pretty single-minded in my shipping; typically, I have one "OTP" for a character and that's it for me. Anakin/Padmé, Katniss/Peeta, Arthur/Gwen, and so forth.

Probably the single character I've dabbled in the most pairings with is Harry Potter himself. I ship Harry/Hermione and Harry/Luna about equally, then I dabbled in Harry/Cho for a little while (I thought the canon portrayal of their relationship rang very realistically) and Harry/Draco. Compared to some people that's still not exactly a wide shipping field, but for me, it's unusually vast. ;)

Second place character is probably Buffy Summers; I would have been fine if she ended up with Angel or Spike, or (as happened canonically) neither. I didn't mind her lesbian hook-up in the Season 8 comic, either.

harry potter, buffy, shipping

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