Shipping Meme cont'd.

Feb 15, 2014 12:03

So I'd planned on having the Potter fic up for Valentine's Day. Obviously, that didn't happen. But I have a three-day weekend this weekend, and I'm determined to put it to good fannish use. :)

Day 7: A pairing that disappointed you
There are plenty of pairings I dislike, but then, many of those I saw as ill-conceived/executed from the outset (such as Angel/Cordelia) and so never appealed to me. Therefore I don't know that they were truly disappointing; to be disappointing you have to have showed promise.

A pairing I had semi-high hopes for but dropped the ball, though? Everyone knows my feelings about Ron/Hermione and especially Harry/Ginny, so I won't go into any great detail here, suffice it to say that the latest JK Rowling interview seems to explain at least part of why I couldn't get on board with those pairings. I had figured that if anyone could write them to where I could root for them, it would be JK Rowling herself - so much for that.

Day 8: A pairing only you seem to like
Back in the late '90s/early '00s, before AOTC/ROTS came out, I really felt like I was the only one in the world who shipped Anakin/Padmé. After all, why should Padmé have to "wait" for Anakin to grow up and become hot when we already had the fully grown Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan? It was why I started The Moons of Iego, so I could be assured of at least one place online I didn't have to sift through Obidala/love triangle stuff. It's better now, but I still definitely feel like A/P gets the shaft when compared to other Star Wars pairings, namely Han/Leia.

harry potter, padmé/anakin, star wars, shipping

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