Pumpkin-flavored musings

Feb 03, 2014 09:20

I love this resurgence in Harry/Hermione fandom. The excitement from people I haven't seen in ages. <3 I don't miss the days of Deathmarches and "Delusional" and all that, but I do miss the days of SCUSA posting fests, H/Hr ship chats, squeeing over every new movie pic that came out, waiting for new chapters in the big mega fics like "Paradigm of Uncertainty" and the "Paradise" series, group online viewings of Prisoner of Azkaban, the H/Hr panel at the Portus convention. It's a nice little reunion.

That said, part of me is waiting for the inevitable... anvil, if you will, on the festivities. That the 'JKR says Hermione should've wed Harry' was conjecture taken out of context. I don't doubt the veracity of JKR's comments about R/Hr, which still level the playing field somewhat, but there's a niggling part of me that suspects an eager media blurb writer took "JKR has reservations about R/Hr" to mean, "Oh, that automatically means she thought it should've been H/Hr!" when the actual interview will say no such thing.

That said, if the anvil does drop, I'm going to try to enjoy this while it lasts. While canon text may not change, let us have our butterbeer and enjoy it while we can, our one magical week that we can look on and say "Remember that?" :D

(This is why I never get invited to any of the cool parties. I really am a buzzkill.)

In any case, so I'm not a total Debbie Downer, I'm offering this: Comment me with a prompt, and I'll write a H/Hr ficlet based on it. :D

harry potter, fandom, shipping, h/hr

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