FFN hates Ahsoka?

Aug 27, 2011 18:29

Did my daily scan of the SW section of The Pit, and came across something when I scanned the drop-down list of characters you can filter your search by: my Jedi homegirl Ahsoka Tano is no longer on that list.

The first possibility that occurred to me was maybe someone at FFN rationalized that, since there's also a separate FFN category under "Cartoons" for TCW, and Ahsoka is strictly a TCW character, they decided to remove her from the main Star Wars section listing. Which would still be murky logic, IMO, as a number of much more obscure non-movie characters are still available on the main SW list.

But nope, even that theory doesn't fly, because Captain Rex and Duchess Satine, who are also TCW-specific characters, are still on the main SW list.

What gives, FFN? Then again, maybe this isn't too surprising, since when they first added the character search filters, it took them months to add Padmé, who is easily one of the saga's most important characters. Maybe someone at FFN does have it out for some of my favorite ladies. ;)

ahsoka, star wars, fan fiction, clone wars

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