[requested by
rabidfangurl]I'm pretty much live-and-let-live when it comes to shipping, even the few I flat-out can't stand. If it makes you happy and you're not shoving it down mine or someone else's throat, go hog-wild. That said, live-and-let live doesn't mean that I don't have an opinion on a said pairing
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Anakin has spent about as much time with Dormé and has about as much a connection with her as he has with Arwen Evenstar or Bella Swan. It's the biggest WTF I've ever encountered in SW fan fiction. You might as well pair Anakin up with a tauntaun.
Plus there's the inherent Padmé-bashing among Dormékin writers. There are Obidala shippers who don't like Anakin, but not all of them. There are slash writers who don't care much for Padmé, but not all of them. But Dormékin seems to be entirely motivated by loathing for Padmé. So they give her all of Padmé's attributes or write her like a Mary Sue. There's someone on an A/P group on Facebook who chronicles all of the Dormékin strangeness she finds. A few days ago, she found a photoshop of Dormé's noggin on Padmé's body.
Barf. I'd rather read the worst A/P than what passes for the best of Dormékin.
Otherwise, I agree.
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