How many days til season 2, again?

Sep 16, 2009 18:50

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Giant fucking bugs! Mordred! More A/G kissing! (And Merlin gets some too.) Arthur and Uther jousting to the death! (Well, probably not, but still, DUDE.) Uther marrying a troll! Bounty hunters! (What is it with the two shows I'm most anticipating - Merlin and TCW - introducing bounty hunter storylines?) Short-haired Lancelot making eyes with Gwen, and Arthur looking put out! (Okay, have to reserve judgment on that one, as I've always been iffy on the triangle part of the myth.)

And you know that "We could never be together!"/"You could change that" has already spawned about 3,000 Arthur/Merlin slash fanvids. ;)

In short, squee!

And I almost forgot, The Office returns tomorrow! Oh, it'll be good to have regular TV to watch again. ;) Looking at photos on OfficeTally I saw someone point out that Pam, Jim, and Dwight will all be sitting together now - GOD, the potential for awesomeness!

the office, television, merlin

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