OTP Meme

May 26, 2009 19:55

I thought about doing this earlier and shrugged it off, but who am I kidding? ;) Baaaaaaaaa.

a. Name your 15 absolutely favorite fandom ships (try to pick different fandoms)
b. Ask people to see what trends and similarities they notice about your ships

In my case, since there are only a scant few ships I have ever actively shipped hardcore, I'm going to have to pad this out with a number of ships I simply 'like' a lot - and in some cases even a few platonic/sibling duos. Hey, friendship is still a 'ship.' :P

1) Anakin-Vader/Padme (Star Wars)
2) Harry/Luna (Harry Potter) - This one I could go romantic or platonic; their canon friendship's just amazing.
3) Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter) - Ditto above.
4) Jim/Pam (The Office)
5) Willow/Oz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
6) Indy/Marion (Indiana Jones)
7) John/Aeryn (Farscape)
8) [Platonic x 1000] Luke/Leia (Star Wars)
9) Niles/Daphne (Frasier)
10) Any duo of Angel/Buffy/Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)
11) Picard/Crusher (Star Trek: TNG) - Like #2 and #3, except more frustratingly so.
12) Michael/Holly (The Office)
13) [Bromance] Kirk/Spock (Star Trek) - Though I'm totally not above making openly slashy jokes about them. ;)
14) [Platonic] Anakin/Ahsoka (Star Wars: CW)
15) Neville/Ginny (Harry Potter)

Trends I see: With the glaring and odd exception of HP, I seem to be largely a canon/het shipper. Guess I am a prude. ;)

the office, indy, harry potter, fandom, buffy, shipping, star wars, star trek

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