
Apr 16, 2009 21:26

-- **Hugs** out there to anyone who needs them. Perhaps needless to say I've been wrapped up in a lot of my own personal drama lately, but I'm certainly far from the only one with issues going on.

-- Still no word from Dad on when we're to have this "talk." Color me totally shocked. Guess I need to call little sis back and decide how hard we're going to push.

-- Went back to work today for the first time since last Friday. I've still got the remnants of some cough in my chest; hopefully it won't relapse. Coughing in your throat is annoying enough, but when it moves to your chest? Double ugh.

-- It's only midway through the month, and I've got $54 in my bank account. After having put $50 in last week. Yay for grown-up finances! Looks like it's dollar-menu dining for the rest of the month. Unless I want to rack up my credit card some more, which I really don't.

-- Yet another HBP trailer is out. I'm really trying not to get excited, because the trailers do look fantastic. More Draco! Snape! Inferi! Creepily Floating Hexed!Katie! I just wish I didn't think I'm going to need an IV of Pepto Bismol (or tastier, Smirnoff Green Apple) to make it through the finished product. Sweet Valley Hogwarts? *SO* DNW.

-- It actually occurs to me whether I'm genuinely looking forward to any of the big franchise blockbusters coming out this summer. JJ Abrams would clearly rather be making his fanboy-basher-rewrite of the Star Wars prequels (am I the only one who thinks the new Trek trailer looks closer visually to a SW film than a ST one?). I know next to nothing about Terminator: Salvation (ditto the Wolverine X-Men prequel), and part of me wonders if I'll find it as emotionally faithful an addition to the Terminator franchise as I did TSCC. HBP, I've always been iffy about the source material. Love the Horcrux stuff, hate the romance. I'll see all the movies, of course, but more than once? Eh. I miss having a blockbuster summer where I knew I was going to have a blast at at least one of the movies.

-- Unpopular opinion time. Still loving HIMYM this season, but re: the BrOTP plotline where I already seem to be the one person not going HOMGYAY over? Seriously, crap or get off the pot already, Barney. You and Robin did it, what, a year ago? (Of course, presuming Robin isn't blind to your oh-so-brilliantly concealed affections, it may not bode well anyway that she's shown next to zero sign of reciprocation.) As one of your co-stars said in another on-screen incarnation, "Bored now..." It also irks me a little when characters in a series start going on about how "perfect" two other characters are for each other - case in point, Angel/Cordelia - though at least HIMYM has avoided going as far as using the dreaded 8-letter S-word for B/R yet.

-- Just realized my 6th LJ anniversary was back on the 11th. Wow. That's a lot of wasted hours. ;) And looking back, I realize even back then I was grumbling about Janet (I started posting just a few days before she and Dad married on the 19th). Shit. That woman really has eaten up too much of my personal brainspace/time, and she's totally not worth it.

terminator, family, lj, movies, star trek, himym

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