Tuesday tidy-up

Apr 07, 2009 17:44

--Thanks to everyone who slogged through my bitchfest yesterday. *glomps* I'm still furious with Dad, and spent the better part of today drafting an intensely ranty letter to him which I may or may not send, but which still feels good to get out. If he ends up taking my sister out for her birthday dinner this week, then I'm taking her out on another night, because I have less than zero desire to see him or his ball-eating wife. If by some nightmarish confluence of events I do end up having to go out with them, much mixed drinkage will be consumed that evening.

-- Thanks to the aforementioned ranty letter, I think I've (at least for the moment) siphoned off enough bile for me to compile my thoughts about Grandpa himself. The collage I worked so hard on wound up not being used at the service at all (meh), so I may at least post it here so someone can see it. Heh.

-- Was SO glad to see my kitty again yesterday. Poor baby had been boarded at the vet for three days, and he was definitely ready to be let out! ;)

-- I haven't forgotten my earlier promise about getting a fic up. I'm working on it. :)

-- Good news for my SW peeps who've missed out on seeing Fanboys: DVD release May 19, just in time for the 10th anniversary of TPM! Sweet! :D (Ten years. Holy shit. I was still in high school...)

-- On another SW note: anyone out there ever been to a Star Wars Fan Days? There's one coming up in Plano, TX in October, which would only be three hours' drive from me. It looks like they'll at least have some decent Clone Wars guests, including the voices for my cartoon!OTP and Dave Filoni himself - and after his cameo in Fanboys, it might be fun to see Ray Park. Pretty decent artist list so far too. Dave Prowse I could care less about, given his usual attitude toward SW. Who knows, maybe this would also be an excuse to get finally cracking on that Snowbunny!Padmé costume I've been toying with putting together for a while. ;) (I've been wanting to put together a SW costume for a long time, but my seamstress skills are virtually nonexistent, so the Ilum Padmé outfit seems like the easiest go - and hey, if it's cold, then I'm all set!) It'd be great to have something Star Warzy to pad the gap between now and Celebration V...

family, rl, fandom, star wars, movies, oz

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