Sweet new clip from the first episode of Clone Wars, with
Yoda kicking some droid booty!
I LOLed when he went under the tank and snuck in by cutting a hole in the bottom. Hee! Size matters not, indeed. ;)
The animation continues to look absolutely fantastic: as with the CW movie, there are moments I almost forget I'm not watching a live-action battle scene. Can't wait to get home and actually watch this with audio (still at work, meh).
Speaking of SW, I watched the premiere of HIMYM last night.
Ted spouting trivia about Kurosawa and Joseph Campbell? SO MUCH WIN. Unlike Stella, I would be turned on by that, LOL. And I was pleased to hear actual SW music when the characters were watching the movie - even though (*dons SUPERsupergeek!hat*) I'm pretty sure the ending credits I heard Marshall and Ted watching were RotJ, not ANH, and the trash compactor scene went on way too long.
Good episode overall - unemployed!Marshall is hilarious, as was Marshall and Ted watching SW twice in a row because it's so awesome, Stella texting Ted "stop spying on me, jackasses!", Lily as Barney's confidante, and Robin visibly wincing at having to deliver horrible tagline puns ("'Scoop?' REALLY?" in response to a sinister ice cream man story). Not sure how I feel about Ted!Barney, though at least it was acknowledged and I loved it when Lily pointed that even being schmoopy Ted still landed Robin for a year. ;) I like Stella a little less for not liking SW and knocking Chewie, but it was sweet that she was serious about pretending to like SW for the rest of her life because it was important to Ted. And Marshall defending Chewbacca to Stella was great too. *g*