(No, DSL STILL not working. GAHHHHH. Still tangling with SBC/AT&T on the issue.)
The DNC, Obama's speech, and McCain's Veep pick have re-energized my political neurons again, so it's entirely possible I'll have more related rambles up until November. Something at work today prompted this one.
God, work is going to be utterly intolerable these next several months. I tell myself I’m open-minded, and yeah, I believe people can choose however they want... but inwardly? Oh, it’s hard for me not to seethe, to wonder how the hell I ended up living in this state, to wonder how quickly I can move to Canada or Vermont or hell, anywhere in New England.
Most of my coworkers are firmly right-wing, or just right of center. (I can think of one exception, who hates Bush more than me.) Today one of my them - the former Edwards supporter who insisted Obama’s middle name was “bin Laden” and he was raised Muslim - commented on the Palin GOP Veep pick. She said McCain had her vote no matter what anyway, insisting she doesn’t like Obama, because “he spouts nothing but clichés” and “he doesn’t stand for a clear platform.”
I could disagree for hours about the latter claim. (In last night’s speech alone, I thought Obama was excellent in detailing both specific policy points and hitting specific counterpoints to the GOP smear attacks out there.) But the former? WTF? If you want to elect a politician who’s never spouted a shitload of clichés to get elected, Washington’s going to be pretty damned empty. Which might actually be an improvement, but I digress.
I said I didn’t agree, and left it at that. Another coworker - who claims to be undecided - cheerfully asked me to explain, because I just might convince someone. I flatly said I didn’t think politics had any business being discussed in the workplace. And I firmly believe that - unless, of course, your job is in politics. The five of you out there who read this know I’m pretty passionate in my beliefs - part of it's upbringing by my firebrand Democrat activist mother (stubborn Missouri roots are deep in our blood); part of it's being a liberal in an ultra-conservative state (it’s acted as kind of a pressure-cooker for me). This passion would undoubtedly come out in any political discussion I entered into, perhaps even crossing that thin, blurred line into irritation, or even anger. And I’ve no intention of getting heated with people I have to maintain a professional working relationship with. It was bad enough when I repeatedly disagreed with this coworker (who I get along great with otherwise) on what Obama’s real middle name and religion was, even though I did end up half-winning that dispute.
No doubt the election will come up as a topic of discussion again - politics comes up very frequently in this office, and will be all but impossible to ignore. I can’t exactly walk around with my ears plugged when one of my main duties is answering the phone. Of course, I suppose I could blow it all off if I’m asked and joke that I can’t vote for McCain because my mother would disown me. ;) She was a huge advocate of campaign finance reform, and absolutely adored McCain - she (a lifelong Dem) even got a picture taken with him when he spoke at one of her events, and admits back then she would have considered voting for him. Now? He’s a traitor of the highest order. I really wish she wasn't in Mexico right now; I'd love to hear her take on Obama's speech and McCain's Veep pick. (She's skeptical toward Obama - loved Hillary much more - but loved his Biden VP pick.)
If they press any further, I’ll say: the dictionary definition of insanity is repeating the same effort over and over and expecting different results. The GOP has had eight years to show me it can do right by this country. No matter my opinion of Obama, I’ve not been happy with the last eight years, and so I can’t cast a vote essentially rewarding someone whose voting record shows a 90+% likelihood of continuing the same policies that have cemented my unhappiness.
So, every Dem on my list is buzzing - in a general OMGWTF way - about Sarah Palin. I'll have a separate post on that later.