Busy weekend! Sort of.

May 19, 2008 20:43

So, I may be getting a kitty. :)

My mom's neighbors took in a cat that had kittens, which are now about 8 weeks old and basically ready to be adopted. I went over to look at them tonight, and while of course I loved all of them, I think I fell a little harder for one that looks exactly like my Chewie did when he was a baby. I swear that one kept staring at me, too. ;)

So, this week I'm going to go to PetsMart and pick up the various new-kitty sundries, and hopefully by next weekend I'll have a new resident in my apartment. :)

Sis and I went up to visit Grandpa Saturday. It was a good visit, except we happened to visit him on a day when his hearing was basically non-existent. (It comes and goes in spells.) We had to do most of our conversing via dry-erase board. :-/ But we got to take him outside for a little while and enjoy the beautiful sunshine, which I'm not sure he gets to do as often as he'd like. He again expressed a strong desire to go fly-fishing, which means I'm going to lobby even harder with Dad to get something like that arranged for him this summer, hopefully around his birthday in July.

Sunday I went to the dachshund race, and OMG, so adorable! So many weenie dogs! It really made me miss our Turtle (a black and tan mini we had to put down due to seizures several years ago). It's amazing how fast those little guys can run! And it was so cute watching some of the racers get distracted by other dogs in the crowd, forgetting all about finishing the race. ;) Though perhaps even more amazing, especially considering the pottytraining tendencies of dachshunds - I didn't see a single puddle or steaming pile anywhere! ;)

And Sunday night... I did dye my hair. Clairol Natural Instincts Cinnaberry. :) It's a little darker than I hoped, but close enough to the color I wanted to know I'm definitely interested in keeping an auburn color. It's also slightly more purple than I thought, but as this is a semi-permanent dye, a few rigorous shampoos should take care of that. Next payday, I'm going to have a professional stylist color it. If for absolutely no other reason than it was so damn MESSY. I still have purple splotches all over my bathroom - which I'll definitely have to clean up before kitty arrives. :) Mom seems to like the color on me; we'll see how vigorously my coworkers tease me tomorrow. I'll try and post pics tomorrow evening.

Urrgh, back to work tomorrow. Four days went by way too quickly! At least there's another three-day weekend coming up this weekend, whee!

Also, sadness: as of tonight, with the season finale of How I Met Your Mother, I officially have no new shows until fall! WOES.

Oh, and I did get the Coldplay tickets. :) Within a couple of minutes of the tickets going online, the floor seats were already gone! But we still scored seats in the lower level, which is good. You can't really see anything from the floor, anyway.

family, television, pets, coldplay, work, hair, new kitty, oz

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