Word of advice to customers...

Apr 22, 2008 08:56

You called a licensing office. So when I ask what your call is regarding, answering "about my license" DOES NOT HELP. Nyah.


So, torrents really are the only way I can get Sarah Connor Chronicles episodes right now? More nyah. I'll do it if I need to, but... man, waiting on those downloads is a pain.

Haven't yet decided how I feel about last night's HIMYM... The "Sandcastles in the Sand" vid/song wasn't as legen-DARY as "Let's Go To The Mall" (which I think was the point anyway) but: globe spinning in the sand, Omnibot sidekick (!), "traveling the globe from Alberta to Ontario" - all awesome. The Canadian joke fast-forwards, Marshall's "NOT NOW, TED!" (wish there'd been more Marshall), the "Murder Train" puppy montage and the following conversation, James van der Beek willingly making a hell of a lot of fun of himself - all also awesome. The concept of "revertigo" was amusing but for some reason the execution of it through the Lily/Michelle storyline felt a tad overdone, though the moment where Michelle actually acted like a normal person when Lily wasn't nearby helped.

That all said, the last couple of minutes... yeah. You could pretty much see it coming from light-years away. I'm in a drastic minority in that I'm not immediately thrilled about it (haven't been able to completely put my finger on why yet), but I'll wait and see how next week handles the inevitable aftermath.

Unlike "The Bracket" from a few weeks ago, and last week's episode of "The Office," which I felt was awesome all around the moment the credits rolled, SitS is one I'm definitely going to have to see again to decide how it ranks.

t:scc, tv, himym, work

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