
Apr 17, 2008 23:14

Just stumbled across Ewan on Leno. Normally he doesn't do the slightest thing for me, in character or out (I usually dig characters more than actors anyway), but I'm finding him strangely attractive here. o_O Must be the black jacket and mussed hair.

So, a movie with Ewan and Hugh Jackman? Hee! I should probably call my sister to make sure her ovaries haven't spontaneously combusted. :D

I'm still totally on a high from tonight's Office, nearly three hours after it ended. *g* Dammit, when will next Thursday get here already?

ETA: Wow, the first deleted scene is already up? In short: HEE. I ♥ Dwight. (Michael/Dwight OTP!) And this answers my wondering about Michael/Jan's living arrangements.

the office, tv

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