Remember my gritching about the
leaky roof in my apartment a few weeks ago? I wound up setting down a bunch of pots and spreading a tarp under the afflicted area in the corner of my living room, which I simply left there and forgot about. Management/maintenance told me they'd contract someone to fix the roof as soon as possible.
Well. :P
This afternoon, we're getting deluged with a Niagara-tastic bunch of rain, which is supposed to continue throughout the night (with yet ANOTHER possibility of tornadoes). And yep, guess what's still alive and kickin.' :P I came home from work a few minutes ago to discover several of the dishes already have the bottoms completely covered in water, and pretty much every corner of the tarp getting nailed. My carpet and chair would've been ruined before I ever got home.
Guess I get to bitch at management again. :P