
Mar 15, 2008 22:32

Last stolen from indiefic....

What is your LiveJournal username? How did you come up with it?
I love Farscape, and always thought 'Aeryn' was an awesome name. I simply stuck 'lady' on the front of it to distinguish it from the 5,000 other Aeryns out there.

Have you renamed before? If so, what were your old names? If you haven't renamed, what names would you want?
No. I've posted a few places elsewhere as Alderaan21, but on LJ I've always been ladyaeryn.

How much does your userinfo say about you?
Mostly my fandom preferences.

How long have you been on LiveJournal?
This April 11, it will have been five years since legomymalfoy first dragged me here. :)

What is the longest amount of time you've gone without posting?
Probably a month or so.

On average, how many entries do you post per day? (Divide how many total entries you have by how many days you've been on LJ.)
I'm inconsistent. Some days I'll post two or three times, and then go several days with nothing at all.

What are your posts normally about?
Even mix between fandom and RL stuff. During slow fandom periods, more on RL.

Is your LiveJournal friends only? Why or why not?
Not completely. I like to keep some of the non-sensitive stuff public, on the chance someone outside my f-list might find it of interest.

Does your LiveJournal have an actual title or are you merely USER @ LiveJournal?
Loony Delusions of Grandeur - a way of combining my H/Hr, Harry/Luna, and SW loves. My subtitle is 'Multi-Fandom Heretic,' because I seem to have a number of traditionally "uncool" fandom opinions, particularly in regard to SW and HP.

How long do you see yourself staying on LiveJournal?


How many people are on your friendslist, not counting private journals, media journals, etc?

Why do you choose to add a person to your friendslist?
It's usually through fandom stuff - we share a mutual interest/friend.

Is your friendslist an actual list of people you consider friends, or more of a reading list?
With this many on it, it's really impossible to truly know all of them - but if I didn't like them, I wouldn't have them on my f-list. :) I do consider a number of them friends, and have met a few in RL.

How often do you read your friendslist?
Every day. Though I'm terribly inconsistent with commenting.

Do you use filters when viewing your friendslist?
Once in a while. For instance, if I don't want to be spoiled for something, I'll create a filter to filter out the journals/comms most likely to spoil me. Or if I want to spare people from a particular bit of ranting.

How much do you talk to people on your friendslist off of LiveJournal?
Not a whole lot. LJ pretty much is online fandom for me. I'm absolutely horrific at email or instant messenging, and there are only a couple of very tiny non-LJ boards I post at with any regularity.

Do you do friendscuts? Why or why not?
Nothing drastic. Every once in a while, if I and another person haven't commented on each other's LJ for a while, then I might drop them, but usually by that point they've already dropped me anyway.

Do you regularly participate in friending memes? If not, how do you normally find people to friend?
Once in a while. I usually find friends from our posts on shared-interest communities or through posting to a mutual friend's journal.

How often do you add new friends to your friendslist?
I'll go through long periods where I won't add anyone at all, then suddenly have a burst where I add two or three people.

Do your friends have to have things in common with you?
It certainly helps. Otherwise we really wouldn't have a lot to discuss.


How many userpics do you get maximum? How many of those slots do you actually use?
133 currently. Use them all.

Do you mostly use icons made by yourself or by others?
Mostly others, though there are several by me.

Do you have your own icon community? How often do you post in it?
I've thought about it, but no.

What fandoms are most frequently seen in your userpics?
Mostly Star Wars and Harry Potter. Then I have smaller splashes of others like Buffy/Angel, Farscape, Star Trek, The Office, The Daily Show, etc.

How do you find icons to use?
Icon communities, or spying a friend's pretty userpic and seeing where they got it. :)

How often do you upload new icons to use in your userpics?
Every week or so.

Which of your userpics do you use the most?
Star Wars. At the moment, probably my current Anakin default one. He'sIt's so pretty. :)

Which of your userpics do you like the most?
If I was better able to pick favorites, I probably wouldn't need so many! Probably one of my A/P ones, though.

The old maximum number of userpics was three. Could you see yourself "surviving" on three userpics now?
No way!

What do your userpics say about you?
That I spend way too much time with Star Wars, particularly a certain Senator and/or her dear wayward Jedi. ;)


How many fandom communities are you a part of?
Does this mean LJ communities, or online fandoms in general? If it's LJ communities, a couple dozen.

Do you join fanfic or icon communities or only the general communities?
All sorts.

How many fandom communities do you moderate?

How often do you check fandom communities for new posts?
They're on my FL, so I just read my FL.

Do you contribute to fandom? If so, by way of what?
Star Wars: I run an A/P site, am on the editorial team for a SW academic journal, and occasionally post graphics and fan fic. Harry Potter: I run a H/L site, and occasionally do fics and graphics.

Which fandoms are you most active in?
See above.

What do your choice of fandoms say about you?
Angsty, hotheaded Chosen Ones FTW!

Do you make friends based on fandom?
Yes, it's the main way.

Have you ever read (or been featured on) fandom_wank?
Once that I know of. A few years back someone on a fanfic bitching community here on LJ complained about certain writers "whitewashing" or "overromanticizing" Darth Vader in fan fiction, citing "By the Grace of Lady Vader" as one of those stories. fernwithy and I posted semi-amused/semi-WTF? reactions to it on our LJs, and they got linked on F_W. I made the rookie mistake of actually posting in the F_W thread, and got soundly swarmed upon by the idiot hive.

What is one thing you wish you could change about fandom?
Ehh... maybe that I could go to more than one Star Wars site out there that didn't piss me off with all its bitching.

Continuing on the LJ friends trend, I notice several people who've added me recently, but I haven't seen them comment here yet. Welcome! I'd love you to introduce yourselves here. :)

harry potter, lj, fandom, star wars, memes

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