More cool fandomy-ness

Nov 01, 2007 22:24

I'd spotted this earlier; thanks to lazypadawan for the reminder - Indy 4 teaser spy report! Seems pretty legit to me...

This, along with the news on the new Joss show, and the second X-Files movie finally getting underway? Not a bad week for my secondary fandoms. ;)


Also, on a non-fandomy note-to-self: if you feel the urge to snap out an expletive after a rude customer hangs up on you? Try NOT to spout said expletive within earshot of the TV news crew getting ready to film in your boss's office. *headdesk*

(Fortunately for me, the actual reporter was out taking a bathroom break at the time, and my boss has lousy hearing. I sure shocked the heck out of the rest of my coworkers, though.)

indy, x-files, work

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