Looks like you and I may end up hotel neighbors for C4,
lazypadawan. ;)
After much grumbling at the lack of availability for the nights my friend and I needed on GenCon's list of C4 hotels (which would have meant a lot of inconvenient and expensive shuffling to multiple hotels), it occurred to me - just because all the rooms specifically set aside for discount for C4 attendees were booked, didn't mean the non-convention booked rooms were all gone. *facepalm* So I took a look at the webpage for the cheapest hotel on the C4 block, the New Otani, to see what their non-convention rates were, and whether they were available for the nights we need.
They do, and the rates are still cheaper than any of the places left we might stay on the "discount" circuit. :) And since it's a convention hotel - shuttle service! No need to risk life and limb by walking downtown LA at night. :P
I'm waiting to hear back from Lindsay on this, but I'm crossing my fingers I've found a solution here.
Oh, and sometime this evening I'll have pics of my Luna costume up. :)