Jul 05, 2006 10:16
Moving Saturday. Have not done one bit of packing. This cannot be good. *considers panicking*
The first day of work after a four-day weekend sucks.
Missouri was good, aside from some foul-up in communications from Dad that left me annoyed yesterday morning. :-/ Between visits with Grandpa (which were good) my sister finished season 1 of VM, and she is very hooked. :D Though she was quite upset at the first episode of season 2 because she's become a huge L/V shipper. ;) (I'm personally - and I know I'll get flogged for this - very noncommittal on VM ships, so I wasn't able to empathize with her very much. I see why L/V works as a pairing, and they have good chemistry, but something about it still just leaves me "eh." I don't dislike it, but I don't love it yet either. Same deal with D/V.)
Bah. Back to work.
veronica mars