
Jun 01, 2011 18:55

On the way to work this morning, I saw a fox.  My first wild fox after ~15 years in Alaska.  I've seen a coyote, but never a fox. Till now.  
And no, it was not blue. It was a rather scruffy brown, grey, and black fox.  But it was still wonderful.  : )

Other nice things:

I just made my 1,000 post on NarniaWeb!   : o

Went to the library after work and got six books out:
American Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Art    by John Wilmerding
~ Lovely color plates.
Colditz the untold story of WWII's great escapes   by Henry Chancellor  
~ Mostly for my mom. But I will be exploring!
Into the Unknown solving ancient mysteries   by Brian Fagan  
~ a National Geographic book. Lots of neat archeological pictures.
Little Blog on the Prairie   by Cathleen D. Bell
~ sounds like a quick, fun fluff read.
The Tower at Stony Wood    by Patricia McKillip
~ My second McKillip. 
The Whole Craft of Spinning from the raw material to the finished yarn 
  by Carol Kroll
~ an aged manuscript (circa 1981) with scattered B+W images, pulled of the shelf on a whim.  I've always wanted to spin!

book(s), content:burbling, my life, my life:alaska

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