Ten Random--Mostly Fandom--Things (In My Life Right Now)

Oct 23, 2011 04:18

So, I kept on meaning to make LJ posts...just random thoughts, mostly on this week's tv, but it never happened, so... I guess I'm just going to make a bunch of mini-posts.

1. The ending of this past week's NCIS (9x05 Safe Harbor) was the best thing ever. (I even said so, out loud, to my computer screen).

"Are you lonely, Gibbs?"
"You're never alone when you have kids. Night, kid."

*melts* <3

Also, am totally shipping Borin/Gibbs. How did this happen?!

2. As a reward for personal successes at work (and to use up the last of my Christmas money from last year, *cough*), I bought the entire Pretties series by Scott Westerfield the other day. Kind of excited about that. Loved the first book, loved the covers, and they were basically on the bargain shelf, so I decided to finally stop passing them by.

3. I finally have a name for character #3 on my not-completely-sure-it-will-ever-materialize NaNoWrimo novel. Excited about the name, nervous about the NaNo.

4. I like Grace more and more with each episode of Mentalist that I see this season. She's a total brat and bitter and broken and I love it.

6. Does anyone else think it's a rough season to be female on tv? Grace, Kono, Abby--all three have/had great arcs for this season, but lots and lots of angst involved.

7. Speaking of Kono...Glad we've come to a happier place. I wanted loads more team love, but what we got was beautiful.

8. Been watching lots of WH13 this week. The most recent episode I've seen was 3x10, which was good, even if Jinksy was inexplicably a jerk to Claudia.

9. Anyone else watching Case Histories on PBS' Masterpiece Mystery? It's good. As a caution, there is lots of sex and the cases are very intense, but none of it's particularly graphic. The main character, Jackson Brodie, is very sweet, with a gentleness and compassion that makes him an admirable hero. His young daughter, Marlee, is adorable and hilarious. The second ep is tonight and I highly recommend checking it out.

10. Well, that's it. This week is going to be pretty busy, so I don't expect to post. :P Thanks for sticking through all that. :P

random, warehouse 13, books, squee, tv, mentalist, hawaii five-o

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