Sing Me a Swan Song: NCIS 8x23

May 15, 2011 01:11


I knew, due to speculation, and because I flat out asked my mom, that Franks died. ('Tis finale season and bodies are dropping everywhere!) I procrastinated watching, because I've had other things I'm watching lately and, with my busy schedule, it's been hard to keep up the momentum of interest in the show. And, really, I didn't care that much about Franks dieing. But then someone posted this pic and I knew I had to see it:

{Courtesy of rawr_caps }

That's pretty epic, there. That whole scene was. Poor Ziva; I just wanted to hug her. That's ok, though; Tony did that for me. ;) So, yes, I could go on about that elevator scene, but it's late and I don't feel that I can properly analyze it yet. I want to see what next week brings. I've got my fingers crossed that we're about to veer back into Tiva in a good (and big!) way. Whichever way the wind blows, we're heading for major team angst next week, yay! *cough* I'm sorry, did I sound just a little too enthusiastic, there? :-D I am a fan of the angst. And the hurt-comfort. And of hugs in the elevator. *melts*

Ok ,enough rambling. Just a few thoughts on the rest of the ep:

I really liked the way Gibbs was "telling" the story to Franks. It was neat, from a dramatic, story-telling purpose, and also helped defuse the tension with all the humor it infused: "Skip this part!" And I am beginning to suspect that I have a soft spot for hints of the paranormal in my serious dramas. :-D

Ducky and Palmer, although they were barely there, were great. I loved Tony standing with the umbrella over Gibbs and later giving him his sweatshirt (likely grabbed from Gibbs' house after the canvassing). Protective!Tony for the win! *melts again*

Out of curiosity, since when does Abby wear pink? That's new, right? She looked nice and I loved her outfit, it was just kind of weird for her...or so it seemed to me.

I actually found myself worrying about EJ and her team. And as EJ charged off, I found myself hoping that she wouldn't die. (Even with the attack of stupid hubris. :P And, yeah, don't worry about your team, EJ. They're just shot, you know, nothing major. :P)

So, wow. NCIS brings it once again. They almost always do, I think. And I'm afraid to go check my usual NCIS fan site, 'cuz I'm sure they'll be bashing...they usually are. :P
Well, that's all for now. :)

ncis, tony/ziva

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