since i can whine here and no one i know will see it

May 02, 2011 03:57

 i think im having actual panic attacks over my thesis getting hard to breath around the lump in my throat, my eyes are welling my heart is racing and if i dont stop scratching at my arms and head im going to bleed. architecture was the worst idea i ever got suckered into and i would like nothing mare than to quit right now, but im pretty sure my parents would eviscerate me. i cant get a coherent proposal together, im drawing a blank on all possible case studies and every attempt at a poster i make is shit, i have spent all day eating my anxiety, and now that im out of food i dunno what to do with my self. the google doc tab is mocking me behind my back and photoshop is openly laughing at me. fuck school. i feel sick

bi-monthly !emo, real fucking life, thesis

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