Well hello flist! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I've been emotionally wrecked by Doctor Who and very busy by turns.
I can't say it wasn't a ripper of an episode, and that I didn't end up feeling very 'internally screaming', but it is fair to say it's a typical Moffat episode; with all attendant strengths and failings. Despite one to two plotholes (why can't Eleven just travel to the same year in a different part of America and travel to get them etc etc) it was an emotionally fitting end. I'm just so devastated that it's the end for the Ponds! MY PRECIOUS PONDS. I've grown to love them so, and so did Eleven and it's just THIS TERRIBLE HOLE IN MY HEART. Not to mention Karen and Arthur who are as delightful in character as out!!! If you follow me on tumblr you'd know by the deluge of DW posts that I'll probably me emotionally unstable about it forever, but IDK I'M EXCITED FOR JENNA!!!!! Even that brief glimpse of her in the Christmas special made me feel better. NEW COMPANION AHOY!
b. Elementary continues to delight me!!!
I am cautiously hopeful that they're going to actually go there with Holmes and mental illness, because his reaction to people's gross attitudes and accusations of 'insanity' (he recoils twice in this ep alone) are a continuing theme and I'd LOVE to see them tease out his history with it. On the flip side, MY WORD do I love Joan Watson. I love that she is smart and fabulous (Lucy Liu should wear more tank tops ALL I'M SAYING) and ridiculously good at her job. Like yes, being told that is one thing, but to see her unravel Sherlock and genuinely help him is so endearing and wonderful. ALL. THE. FEELINGS. FOR THE VIOLIN SCENES WOOOOOOW. And the intro is sufficiently pretty and great! A+ show!
c. SO MANY SHOWS ARE BACK WOW. TV season is hectic.
- I think I'm going to give up thinking of Downton Abbey as anything deeper than ridiculous fluff. Otherwise my brain will break because of the way Fellowes treats certain characters and ideas (LAVINIA IS LITERALLY A PLOT DEVICE AT THIS POINT).
- Scandal is being so excellent to me!!! On one level I want to sit and analyse Olivia's team and their dynamic and on the other hand I'm just sitting there with my mouth open. TELL ME EVERYTHING/TELL ME NOTHING SHOW, I CAN'T DECIDE!!
- REVENGE!!!!!!!! I desperately want to see any version of a Victoria/Charlotte/Emily team up! I JUST WANT TO SEE PEOPLE BEING TORN DOWN, IDEC WHO ANYMORE. Also has anyone else stopped giving any shits about Daniel and Jack? Because I have. I may be more into mysterious British revenge helper monkey than any current love interests for sheer novelty factor. (NOLAN! HOUSEMATES! SO G9!!!)
- Homeland's premiere was also pretty great. Not as much of a banger as season one, but great setup potential for the rest of the season. I'm continually thankful for the way they've handled Dana's character and arc, because she could have been so annoying but she's rather charming and her relationship with Brody is just so poignant and lovely.
- OUAT IS GIVING ME EVERYTHING I WANT AND IT'S GREAT!!! CHARMING FAMILY REUNION WAS JUST A++++ ("One night stands!? / We were cursed!!") and I can't stop laughing every time Henry calls Snow/Charming Grandma and Grandpa. I'm SORRY IT'S JUST TOO GREAT. Also all I thought during the Emma/Regina scenes was GAY MOMMMMMMMS because really!? Protecting each other!!! Meaningful looks!!! TOUCHING AND THEN BAM REGINA GETS HER MAGIC BACK. Show you are only hammering out my tin hat out ever more easily. Also joining the want but never have train: Mulan/(Phillip)/Aurora OT3. LOVE IS SACRIFICE, KILL MEEEEEEEEEEE.
d. I watched the first episode of The West Wing. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet.
e. Went for my first group job interview today. It's a Christmas casual sales position, nothing too fancy, and I have no idea how I went, but here's hoping! "I'M JUST A POOR STUDENT! HIRE ME!!!" is what I wish I could write on every job application form.
f. EXAMS IN LESS THAN A MONTH. I feel like crying because OH GOD.