DOT. DOT. DOT. SLEAZY HARVARD FRIEND WTF? It seems likely he has some sort of secret vendetta, but personally I think he just wants in Daniel's pants. Also continuing to multiship Emily w/ everyone! :D
It was awesome. I found the message in the "real" timeline interesting- Jeff leaves them alone, and they're happy. ALSO-
I really enjoyed all the Britta this week. LESS BASHING, MORE HILARITY, SHOW!
Also Evil!Abed and Evil!Troy (in the morningggg)!
Parks and Rec.
BATMAN'S CRYING. WE HAVE A PROBLEM. Oh show. Only you can break my heart this way. (Leslie's Goddess induction speech was awesomesauce though. ALSO PUPPY PARTIES. ♥ ♥ ♥)
I love that Alex can totally mindread Nikita's strategy. :D She's a total BAMF, yo! ALSO, HOW MUCH DID I LOVE NIKITA AND ALEX AND THEIR SEMI-TEAM UP? And that entire talk in the forest about choices and partners. Their relationship gives me all the feelings! I miss you twooo. ;_; ALSO AMANDA AND PERCY, UNCONCERNEDLY HAVING HIGH TEA LIKE BAMFS. Hahaha.
This last episode of Merlin was really, really engrossing. I went into it thinking, "Oh hey, a happy/crack filled episode!"
...obviously I was wrong.
MERLIN! YOU SCREWED UP! Also props to them for taking the hard road and having Arthur decidedly against magic- because it would have been much easier to have Merlin save Uther and Arthur be grateful, but it's infinitely more interesting to see Arthur have to change a core belief (read: hatred) in order to become the Once and Future King. Also the tonal changes were done so very well, the episode shifted from comedy to tragedy (well... I suppose it was tragic for Arthur & Merlin's hopes for the future... but I was okay with Uther dying tbh) effortlessly. ALSO YES, ARTHUR'S THE KING NOW! (Gwen's look at the end was totally, IMMA TAP THAT.)
Also, this gif. ILU GWEN.
Annnd, to round off this post-
Click to view
It’s been far too long since Chris Pine’s been in a trashy movie. I have missed this facet of my movie watching life. :D IT’S A SPY/ROMANTIC COMEDY GUYS. I MAY HAVE CACKLED A LITTLE WITH JOY. All over this like melted cheese.