Okay... what just happened? My mind feels imploded and exploded and all together mixed up. IT FEELS AWESOME, IN SHORT. But you know... this episode has nothing to actually do with Hitler. :D
Things of interest:
- Rory could have been the getaway driver in a criminal AU. River probably gets her driving skills from him (in addition to the TARDIS thinking she’s really cool. :D)
- Why does the Doctor get the Leadworth Chronicle? Does he actually go looking for weird things to investigate?
- “You never said I was hot?” Oh god. ELEVEN YOU VAIN CREATURE, YOU. Plus, this kind of fits into how I see the Amy/Eleven relationship. She wants adventure and fun and discovery, which makes the Doctor attractive; but it’s not a physical attraction. However, it’s weird that she wouldn’t have mentioned he was kind of okay looking... at all. She did kiss him. I suppose we can definitely chalk that one up to “yay we’re alive”, then?
- ILU Mels/River. Flirting with the Doctor in every incarnation! :D And later, where she just sort of pounces on him. “Oh that bowtie.” OTPOTPOTP you guys! :D
- The Doctor “dances” with boys and girls. Take that how you will.
- Amy and Rory have the most TV soap romance ever. Possibly. With time travel.
- That Tessarect thing kind of gave me Star Trek vibes. Might have just been the dude in the command chair though. The whole idea was really interesting though- should time travel be used to punish criminals? When exactly are they allowed to “remove” them from their timestream? Here they were early and almost screwed up the timeline.
- Also, on that note: River’s one crime seems to be that she kills the Doctor. Which okay, that’s bad. But this makes her... worse than Hitler??? Also, it seems that everyone else (in universe) has assumed River’s in the spacesuit in The Impossible Astronaut... however... she’s not. She’s at the picnic (crossing her own timeline?). And as surprised as anyone when he dies. She shoots at the suit pretty earnestly. I AM STILL SUSPICIOUS. River killed the best man she knew- but I’m going to believe she wasn’t in that spacesuit.
- OMG, the whole Hitler/Doctor scene was just... perfection. The faces. The voice. The body language. “That’s right Adolf. The British are coming!” :DD (YAY CHURCHILL.)
- ALSO RORY, YOU’RE SORT OF A COMPLETE BADASS. “Sit still, shut up.” & “Shut up, Hitler!” & the motorbike! :D I really, really wanted Rory to go, “The name’s Pond. Rory Pond.” to Hitler’s “who are you!?” but we can’t have everything...
- “Vampires in Venice, that’s a belter.” :D
- MOFFAT YOU WRITE THE BEST THROWAWAY RIVER LINES. “Shut up Dad! I’m concentrating on a dress size.” and “Oh that’s magnificent. I’m going to wear lots of jodhpurs.” HEHEHEHE. (And, of course, “Take off your clothes!”)
- “It’s was never going to be a gun for you, Doctor. The man of peace. Who understands every kind of warfare except, perhaps, the cruellest.” So, so, so very true. The Doctor can’t truly fight someone he loves- and he loves Melody for both what she is (Amy and Rory’s daughter) and who she will become (River Song). And by fight, I mean defeat in a final, forever way. i.e. the Master. Couldn’t do it there either.
- Yeah, Donna definitely equals MORE GUILT. DEFINITELY. >>>>:( (Damn youuuuuu, RTD. I shall never forgive you.)
- The poison of the Judas tree. Judas, betrayer of Christ?- interesting.
- The whole scene with fish fingers and custard. It made him brave. Oh. *stars in my eyes* Just like “Rose” did for the Tenth Doctor... except not angry. But brave. That is just lovely.
- “I might take the age down a little. Just gradually. To freak people out.” Hehehehehe, I C WHAT U DID THAR, Moff.
- The Doctor’s Rules. I loved the throw backs to both AGMGTW (“Today is not the day to find out why I have so many rules.”) and River’s many references to them. His “Rules of Engagement” and the fact that he lies.
- Matt Smith’s physical acting in throughout the collapsing/dying scenes is literally perfection. I couldn’t help but wince at the pain the Doctor must have been feeling.
- River Song did learn to fly the TARDIS from the best... and the Doctor was busy that day. :D
- WTF THEY’RE A CULT AND WHAAAAT THE ACADEMY OF THE QUESTION AND WTFFFFFF. Silence will fall when the question is asked. The question hidden in plain sight? Sounds like the answer is 42, I'm just saying.
- I don’t understand how River can simply sacrifice the rest of her regenerations by willing it so, but I’m not going to ruin the romance of the moment. It’s a lovely idea, the story of River and the Doctor. Who saves who, and who kills who?
So... I really loved it. The plot was whatever, but the characters! THE CHARACTERS! Now, I'm going to go draw some River Song timeline diagrams and then... sit down.