Mariella, Mariella / happy in her own little world | Fannish Five

Apr 02, 2011 10:59

5 fandom lies you wish were true. (from fannish5)

Is this in reference to fanon? Or adopted headcanon/future canon? Either/or?

1. Rachel and Quinn's offscreen friendship and/or relationship. (Glee)

2. Annie's future as a badass assassin. (Community)

3. BONES BABY!FIC. Don't lie. You know you want it. Cam and Angela wanted it too. LIKE SWEET FORBIDDEN CANDY. (Bones)

4. Molly Hooper ditching London (:O I KNOW!) and going to the Jeffersonian on exchange as a Squintern. Because she is clearly that awesome. Also, maybe, having a strange UST/friendship thing with Sweets, who's apparently helping her deal with the fact that her gay ex-boyfriend turned out to be a meglomaniac (and killed her cat, the bastard) and the guy she'd-once-'admired' may have killed him, and is also possibly dead himself (THERE IS TOTALLY A PRE-EMPTY HOUSE DISAPPEARANCE THING GOING ON.)

So that was embarrassingly overdetailed. (Sherlock/Bones)

How badly do I want to write this? So badly. Can I? Probably not. D:

5. Hermione secretly working for the revamped Department of Mysteries (her lawyer job is totes a good cover). IDK, she's awesome either way, but I just fell in love with the idea through all my years of reading HP fic. (Harry Potter)

#fic rec, #meta, f::bones, f::community, f::sherlock, a::jk rowling, f::harry potter, fannish five, f::glee

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