As much as I was confused by Morgause's quite heavy handed assault on Cendred in Part 1, I thoroughly enjoyed both Parts 1 & 2 of the Coming of Arthur.
Arthur was a sulky teenager, and I loved it. Merlin's strange declaration that they "wouldn't know until they tried" was cool and all, but um, what part of "can't defeat the immortal army" is unknown until you try? WHICH PART? YOUR LOGIC IS INVALID. (HA!) Also, Arthur doing something Uther wouldn't approve of! YES. FINALLY! Though I find it funny that saving Mordred was the first real act of rebellion that Arthur was personally involved in. And he kissed Gweeeeeeeeeeeen. Because he looooooooves her. (Yes, my mental age was about 12 there.) So the cat's out of the bag. Gwen and Arthur are really up in that tree, and they aren't going to be climbing down any time soon. Should make for fun times next season with Lancelot and his hunky hair hanging about, looking so terribly sad and in need of hugs (going to LOL so hard if they ever bring Gallahad in). XD XD
FURTHERMORE, the Wider Arthurian Mythos References were gold and just asidsdhfasfj. THE SWORD IN THE FREAKING STONE. asfsfhjsoifaef I was speechless with JOY and SPARKLES and LOVE. And Merlin half stepping back into the mist, as the sunlight hit the blade and the music and JUST aiafhehfaoiwefhawef. JEEZ YOU'RE SORT OF MAKING ME LOVE YOU SHOW. This was actually my favorite bit of the series yet, it was just so right.
(And yet, a little bit of Freya on the side was just not enough. Merlin, that poor, poor boy. Someone write him some sexytimes with his Lady of the Lake. *waggly eyebrows*)
AND AND AND, Gaius used maaaaaagic. On the woman who was once the child he presumably risked much to once-upon-a-time smuggle away to safety (still waiting on that backstory). And Morgana (assuming Morgause is alive and HOW CAN SHE NOT BE!? BE NOT FAIL SHOW.) knows about him. And how he worked to suppress her own magic (what a bastard). WOOT WOOT. FUN TIMES AHEAD, YOU KNOW IT. (Also, Emilia Fox's pregnancy was so damn obvious I wish they'd just out her lovechild with Cendred. NO DENIALS NECESSARY.)
On a sort of side note, DID ANYONE NOTICE JEFF FROM THE ELEVENTH HOUR WAS PERCIVAL? JEFF = PERCIVAL = SOMEONE WRITE ME KNIGHT SHENANIGANS WITH THE DOCTOR AND TIMEYWIMEYNESS. *cough* But yes, the whole "enemy of an enemy is a friend" was LOLtastic among the undying declarations of love loyal pledges. Mysterious backstories make the knight, y/y? (LOOKING AT YOUUUUU GWAINE. ♥)
It was certainly fun seeing Morgana as Queen, and her choices (and her later comments about understanding Uther's own choices more). However, it was... odd that the seemingly central issue of magic was never brought up, neither between Morgause and Morgana, nor against/with Uther. But then, Morgana gets personal about this sort of thing. I think she was waiting for a nicely climactic moment to spring it on Uther (and Arthur, perhaps?), largely from that comment about "hating what she was" and wanting to replicate that feeling in Uther. It's interesting that both of Vivienne's daughters inherited magical ability - the lady herself sounds pretty interesting.
How badly do I want a prequel episode? SO BADLY? SO SO BADLY. With parents!OT6/7?. Let's see, Uther, and Ygraine, and Gorlois (Dude gave his daughter to the Old Religon, and yet was Uther's special friend?), Vivienne (BAMF seduces the King in her down time), with a supporting cast of Gaius (the torn guilt ridden, young sorceror who turns his back on his magic), and Nimhue (BAMF LADY!!!!!) and maybe MAYBE Gwen's mother? :D :D :D
AWESOME SAUCE. (And as much as I "love" all this "fate" business, what I'm really interested in are those Ancient Kings of Camelot... that Uther apparently deposed the line of? I think I skipped that episode since it looked rather boring so I'm not sure, but Wikia tells me these things.)
I found it annoying that Arthur is still largely unaware of the magical aspect of the battle for Camelot, and of Morgana's powers. Surely, as a tactician and the warrior that he is, he's realised that something destroyed the magical immortal army? Surely, that in itself, warrants investigation? Vague questions? (Something, anything? Looking at you, Season 4.) At the mention of Season 4, I would also like to say, that woobie!Uther whilst explicable in the odd episode, DOES NOT MAKE SENSE IN THE LARGER SCALE OF THINGS. I know we're meant to feel sorry for him, but I just can't get past the small matter of genocide. Thankyou and goodnight, I will NOT BE CARING.
And once again, I must cap off my joyous heart drawing on this episdoe with just one complaint - why wasn't Gwen getting some arse to kick? WHY? FENDING OFF SOME IMMORTAL ARMY DUDES? BANDITS? DEFENDING LADY LEON (just, LOL) FROM OVERZEALOUS SUITORS (OR MORGANA. Did no one else feel that UST? Morgana/everyone defies all plots and sides.)? Capitalise on your opportunities show! Tsk, tsk.
I'm actually looking forward to Season 4, which is a nice turnaround from the beginning of this season. :)