It's meme o'clock!

May 08, 2010 20:27

Stolen off jaxxamundo. Much love!

1. What song(s) are you currently addicted to?
Oh My God by Lily Allen. It's on Mark Ronson's album Version, and I got addicted to it because of this damn ST vid. It's so goooood.


2. What was the last movie you saw?
At the movies, How To Train Your Dragon, which I loved very much, and loved more when I found out DT had a leetttlle voice cameo in it. ;D
At home, probs... oh god. Urm, Charlie Bartlett, for the zillionth time.

Can has both, plz? But zombies. Because zombie slaying is just so much more fun. ALSO DEAD PEOPLE. :DD

4. What are you doing right now.
This. And posting alot of fandom-y rambles. And reading fanfic. But that's a constant, ;P. (and pretending to do actual work...)

5. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Star Trek. Well, fic-wise. But Doctor Who fandom-wise. :D

6. What's one thing you miss about being a kid?
I am a kid? *g* But erm, in year 7 there was a helleva lot less work. And pressure. I miss those days!

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

8. What was the last thing you bought?
A kickass new wallet. It's SEXY GREY AND BLACK AND SPARKLY. :D

9. Ninja or Gladiator?

10. If you could speak any language (including that of animals, plants, rainbows, whatever floats your boat), what would it be?
High Gallifreyan? :

11. What do you do when you're in a bad mood?
Bitch about it in my head. Or read. Mostly read.

12. What was the last meal you ate?
Sandwitches with cucumbers and tomatoes and no cheese. Dad's being "healthy". There were still yummy tho.

13. Current OTP?
Kirk/Rand. :)

14. Five things you can't live without.
♥ my mp3 collection.
♥ phone! mostly for the camera, tho.
♥ books. of any shape & description.
♥ chocolate
♥ my weekly DW dose

15. Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 45. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
It's a textbook! D:

"What he hoped was to make trouble among the Kings of Asia, and in particular, to goad on Mithridates, who was thought to be on the point of making war on Rome; he would then immediately be given the command against him and would be able to delight Rome with the spoils of Pontus and with the wealth of Kings." -- The Fall of the Roman Republic, Plutarch.

Specifically it's talking about Marius. Dude was confident, evidently. :D

16. Is there anything you wish you were doing right now?
Wished, no. Should be? Maths. And 3u english.

17. What are you looking forward to?
Watching Bones tonight. And DW tommorow!

18. What is playing out of your speakers, right now?
I Know What I Am by Band of Skulls.

19. Ask me a question in a comment and I shall reply.

#meme, #vid rec, f::doctor who, f::bones, f::star trek aos

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