[Romana's sitting at a keyboard, typing a few commands that can't be seen. She transfers a chip to a complicated-looking set of controls and flips a switch. She begins manipulating the dials deftly and from the far side of the table, a
little dog appears. He runs a few steps, turns around, sits and the scratches his ear all in time to the movements of her fingers. She shuts him down and he obediently lays down with his head on his paws. She turns and addresses the camera, and for all appearances there's nothing amiss.]
Well, there you have it. With the programming that's forthcoming, he'll be just like a biological canine, only without all the regular upkeep - feeding, cleaning and the like. He's quite intelligent, although not a true AI, and will be able to perform basic tasks upon verbal command. I may be able to make them commercially available.. after some thorough testing, of course.
Which, of course, brings me to the following: I'm looking for a volunteer or two to test him out, to make sure he's fully functional, and, of course, to see if a mechanical dog can truly mitigate the affects of clock's ticking. If you're interested, please drop me a line, I believe he will be quite remarkable and I'd very much like hear other's opinions on his performance.
[There's a voice in the background.]
Mistress? He is not better than me, correct?
[She looks down with a smile as she reaches to turn off the video.]
Of course, not K-9, you are and always will be quite the original. I'm very glad to still have you after-
[The video goes off.]