From: Romanadvoratrelundar, V.P. Research and Development
To: All Project Heads
Subject: Board Reports
Project Heads,
Unless I'm mistaken, the reports on your projects are due. Overdue in some cases which is frankly unacceptable. Please have them on my desk first thing tomorrow morning, the board is eagerly awaiting your results.
Do not be late, or any
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Comments 27
To: Romanadvoratrelundar, V.P. Research and Development
Subject: Project A-3
Look. Not to be difficult, but if I don't actually get the proper materials for this thing, its not going to turn out right.
I can fake something together, but substandard parts, well...
To: Mercedes Thompson
Subject: Project A-3
Take it up with Procurement.
Just do what you can, make it shiny, and we'll worry about actually making it WORK later.
To: Romanadvoratrelundar, V.P. Research and Development
Subject: Project A-3
Procurement said I had to talk to you.
Shiny. You want me to make it shiny? You didn't hire me for that.
Look. I can make it work. Mostly. But shiny would require good parts. I'm throwing this together with, well, crap to put it bluntly.
To: Mercedes Thompson
Subject: Project A-3
The head of Procurement is an ignorant fool and if he needs a reminder about the local food chain I'll be more than happy to educate him.
Cannabialize what you can from the last prototype.
From: Romanadvoratrelundar, V.P. Research and Development
Subject: Re: Test Results
Dinner sounds fantastic, just so long as my meeting with an investor doesn't go long.
To: Mr. Tony Stark CEO
Subject: Re: Test Results
If you're asked about the QR-4 - stall. The project head is being secretive jackass again.
Genius really shouldn't excuse this sort of behavior.
From: Romanadvoratrelundar, V.P. Research and Development
Subject: Re: Test Results
I'll just show them the latest cell phone designs. They're always amazed by those.
No, it doesn't.
To: Mr. Tony Stark CEO
Subject: Re: Test Results
Easily distracted, then? Good.
What do you want to do?
Oh, and you should probably know, Procurement's dicking around again. A-3 is only just going to pass muster at the board tests - they've been dragging their heels on parts again.
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