Right now I'm very much in favour of global warming

Apr 09, 2011 14:44

if I were a cat I'd be purring ]
[music| Don't Let Him Touch You - The Sirens ]

I am lying on the floor in my underwear, soaking up the sun, eating muffins of such a perfect moistness that I am tempted to write an ode to them. I am also avoiding looking under the bed because then I'd have to get up and hoover.

I have an English midterm on Monday and one of the topics is food. So giving you the muffin recipe is almost like studying, right? I'll even underline all the vocabs!

I hope I can get the measurements right, there was a lot of 'let's just toss the rest of the almonds in as well' involved in the creation of this recipe.

Chocolate & Almond Muffins of Delicious Moistness

batter for 10 to 12 muffins:
60g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
1 egg
80 ml vegetable oil
230 g  (~200 ml) buttermilk (why would you give the measurement of one liquid ingredient in grams and the other in ml? That just means having to wash up an additional measuring cup)
3 or 4 tbsps egg nog (or a splash of rum, or 250 g buttermilk instead of 230 g)
180 g melted chocolate
250 g flour
2 1/2 tsps baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
the rest of that packet of ground almonds (~80 to 100 g)
1 tsp cinnamon (or a generous shake of the container)

icing (optional):
a splash of the liquid of your choice
a few spoonfuls of powdered sugar
a pinch of citric acid (optional)

Now comes the part where I usually say 'combine things in the usual way', but for the purpose of exercising my food-themed vocabs, I'll tell you exactly how to prepare the batter:

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (360°F). Put paper baking cups into the indentation of the muffin baking tray. If you don't have baking cups, grease the baking tray and dust it with flour (but seriously, get baking cups, they drastically reduce washing-up time for us people without dishwashers. Also you can get them in fun colours). Skip this step if you are using silicone forms.
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk sugar, vanilla sugar and egg until fluffy.
3. Add in the rest of the liquid ingredients and continue whisking, the batter will now have a soupy consistency.
4. Dump in all the dry ingredients (professional recipes usually say to sift them in, but I've never done that and it doesn't seem to affect them adversely.)  and gently stir them into the liquid until everything is moistened.
5. Spoon the batter into muffin forms
6. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes (my oven is a bit temperamental so I'm not sure about this.) Try sticking a toothpick in, the muffins are done when it comes out clean or with only dry crumbs sticking to it.

7. For the icing, take a splash of the liquid of your choice. I used egg nog, you could also use some other liqueur, rum or lemon juice. There are probably a lot of other possibilities, these are just the ones I've tried.
8. Whisk in the powdered sugar spoon by spoon until the icing has a smooth, gloopy consistency. It should be spreadable but viscous enough to not just immediately drip off the muffin.
9. Add a bit of citric acid if you like. Personally, I like the way the tartness balances out the otherwise overwhelming sweetness of icing. Obviously skip this step if you are preparing your icing with lemon juice.
10. Using a pastry brush, spread the icing over the cooled muffins. Wait until it has dried, repeat until there is no icing left.
11. Eat


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