my life, let me tell you about it!

May 01, 2009 13:09

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[music|Excerpts from Die Fledermaus - Johann Strauß ]

I'm making pork roast for the first time today! With potatoes and dumplings. It is going to be nommy. Though I hope I can get the sauce to turn a more appropriate brown, it looks disturbing when it's clear. I don't actually know how to make pork roast, I just know what Mama told me before she drove off to Italy ("Rub salt, caraway and garlic on it and roast it on low heat for a very long time."). And for some reason only one of my approximately 20 cookbooks tell me how to make a simple pork roast, but it pretty much only says "Rub salt, caraway and garlic on it and roast it on low heat for a very long time". NOT HELPFUL.

I got 200€ from tax returns! :D Tax returns are one of the perks of adulthood.

Speaking of adulthood, I was at Salzburg's university's open day on Wednesday and informed myself thoroughly. I am not doing the sensible thing and studying something I already know I can do. Instead, I am doing engineering sciences, which require maths, physics, chemistry, biology and programming. There are vocational schools that teach all of this. I did not go to one (I probably wouldn't have liked it anyway, because of the masses of teenaged boys watching porn on their laptops during class (this is an actual fact.)).

Secretly, I'm doing engineering sciences because the part of my brain that is a three-year-old demanding to know how stuff works is making me. But that's okay, if I know how stuff works, I can build stuff.

One of the plus points of this program is that it's very new, so there only 25 students per year (as opposed to 250 studying psychology, which don't even fit into the lecture hall, they have to do video transmissions into other rooms. Also, seriously, who needs 250 psychologists?). So everybody knows each other and helps each other.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POTATOES?! They have bluish-brown patches. Only the ones I cooked, though, the ones cozying up with the roast look like actualy potatoes. Seriously, WTF.

Roast has been eaten. OM NOM NOM. It was a bit dry, and there wasn't enough sauce (but when is there ever?).

I love being alone in the kitchen because I can listen to the classical music radio station without annoying everybody. It's not just classical music, though, it's everything that annoys those people who can stand listening to the same five pop songs all day. Like Indian ballet music (which sounds surprisingly good), radio plays, East German free jazz, documentaries on obscure stuff, interviews with obscure people and Viennese chansons. Plus, it's the only Austrian radio station without commercial breaks.
I need to go and do the washing up. Or alternatively, get the sister to do it, since I cooked for her.

food, music, uni

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