What I want in a guy...

May 17, 2006 21:45

So, you want to know what I REALLY want for in a guy? It's long.. but I'll tell you.

-Tall, dark & handsome (preferably)
-Not too skinny, I like bigger guys more. You know, the ones that guys with 6 packs put down. Yeah, them.
-Someone who won't make fun of people for their weight or insult people a lot just to do it to be mean.
-Someone sincere & sweet who will treat me like I'm the best thing that's ever happened to them & they never want to let me go.
-Trustworthy...you can't lie to me, I mean, at least when I confront you about it, don't fucking lie even more and dig yourself a deeper hole.
-Someone who will dance with me.. even if they don't know how. Especially random slowdancing..like in the street or in their living room, anywhere. Just grab me by the hand and go...
-Someone who will sing to me or with me...and will let me fall asleep in their arms.
-Someone who puts just as much effort into a relationship as I do.. who won't ever give up unless we both know it's not working out at all.
-Someone who won't hang up on me while we're on the phone, because that's rude.... unless of course it was like a screaming match, but then again, I don't want to be screamed at either.
-Someone who won't want me for sex and knows how to take no for an answer. And will actually make love to me and not just fuck me because it feels good. I want to feel special, not like I'm just some hot chick with a bangin' body. Heh.
-Someone who will do little things for me to remind me how much they love me... I love surprises, and you can never have enough surprising moments.
-Someone who's more passive about things.. they don't get upset really easily or angry..and knows how to think positively for the most part. I hate when people get mad really quickly and then blows it out of proportion. It's not worth it unless it's something that's a BIG deal.
-A guy who is willing to try pretty much anything once.
-A guy who will make me feel beautiful..and won't check out other girls in front of me, no matter how hot they are.. because if I'm really that "hot", you wouldn't have to take your eyes off of me to look at someone else. ;)
-A guy who isn't addicted to porn, and by addicted, I mean, someone who doesn't watch it every damn day just because.
-A guy who shows respect for others as well as me. Be charming & polite. Don't spit or cuss a whole lot or burp and fart all the damn time. It's funny sometimes but you gotta know when to not do it. Especially not in public.
-If you really want me to love you, play with my hair, give me a massage, or kiss my neck/shoulders/back. I love the sense of touch. It's so amazing the feeling of skin on skin.
-Don't talk down to me or speak to me like I'm a dog. It's fun to goof off and call eachother fag and loser & dickhead & shit like that but don't say things when you're pissed like that.
-Communicate with me. I'm tired of always being the one who wants to "talk things out." I like it when other people say "ok look, we need to talk" because it shows that YOU'RE trying to work things out too.
-Be completely honest with me...don't hold back, but don't be an asshole either. It's not THAT hard. Really.
-Don't EVER, EVER cheat on me.
-I try to find guys who don't drink (or will only when I'm around or something) and NO smokers or druggies (that includes weed)
-Someone who will support me and stand up for me if someone is making me upset or treating me like shit.
-A guy who will hold me close and whisper in my ear & look me in the eyes when he tells me he loves me.
-A guy who will make the first move.... at least half of the time :P
-A guy who will cry at sad movies with me if he knows he's going to..a REAL man will show his tears. A REAL man can be sensitive at times, but strong at the same time. :)

That's about it for now. So yeah....
just thought you all should know. :)
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