May 15, 2004 14:03
went through my drawers today. found alot of things that reminded me of what i was like before. who i was friends with, notes about why they were friends with me and what we would all do together, stickers, posters, photos, letters, quizes, the main thing that was said was "never forget me" but i am forgeting, forgetting them, forgetting me, I dont even know if that was me, i enjoyed it but i dont know if i was ever myself.
I also found lots of tonys sketchs of him and his brothers which i'll scan later on today and send through, oh how i miss them, they looked after me so. I miss pepe alot, he was crazy fun, and josh, we always would laugh at him even if he wasn't doing anything, kinda makes me feel bad now i think of it.... whats done is done.
I want to make another photo book, only im out of ink, and i dont have a pretty book. tho i might, i'll look soon. We used to make them all the time and they would be passed around the high school and then they would go to assumption and then to scots if you were lucky.. or unlucky depending on your opinion and they would come back to you full of comments and other things that people had added, photos, poems, sayings, drawings... it was good fun.. but i only have a few of my books left. i miss those people, i dont really like any of them anymore but i miss they way we were.....