Garbage bin

Jan 04, 2009 04:56

I think I will ditch the idea with wordpress-fy the site.

I haven't found any template worth my shit (left pane, cute and not too blog looking) and I would have to modify WP pretty much to remove the blog-ness from it and from my experiences it is a real nightmare to update modified sites... (updates as patching, to secure security holes) all from impossible to extremely hard. Without having super memory, documentate every step you did or be extremely fluent in the languages used.. or a combination of these. And I don't know a shit about php.

What I wanted was automated updates and commenting feature to my site... I understand that designing a site, making it easier to post nice images in nice places and all that do not come automatically! (no matter how fancy a laundry machine you buy it won't hang up, fold and iron the laundry for you)

I know I was in a process of updating my site a while ago, doing a nifty thing of combining header+content+footer at server side, but got tired of it. :) But it was the design/how should it look like part that I got tired of.
I have kind of a idea of how the site will look like, maybe I will make a new, but static site again. My idea is to use a vintage wallpaper as wallpaper, but the text portion being white.

Or let everything get damned and I stick with the old design from 20052004.... lol.
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