Redoing Funny Bunny site

Jan 04, 2009 00:11

I am thinking of making the Funny Bunny site into a blog of kind. So people can reply to the posts, and makes the posting easier.

I've downloaded wordpress and set it up so it is all basic now.

Now I want to think out a design. It is the hardest part for me now, I feel so uncreative. I know it is easiest to just bring over the old design and use that.. but I want something new! :) And people has expressed that it is hard on the eyes to read on the yellow background. I want to save the logo somehow, it is after all "etablished"... which makes it harder to come up of new design.

I am looking at themes now, trying to figure out how it should look like..

I have to say that is one of my inspiration/ideas to make this style of site. At the same I do not want to steal the entire idea. :) I need to look around more.

I think I want something cute and vintage style. hmm.

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