Something does not want me to sew!

Mar 12, 2008 01:40

I want to sew kimono set for my girls again. But I've misplaced the patterns. I remember that I placed it "aside" so I could use it again, instead for putting in the binder. That's long time ago. Now I can't find the patterns. :( And it has modifications, and also is hard to figure out what is what so I can't pull it again from licca books. The nigthtmare would be if it slipped down into waste basket, and then got thrown away. But then I would like to know it NOW so I can try to re-do the patterns, instead for waiting and looking.

Now I thought, ah well, I will sew some dresses for witches with these vintage lace trims I found last summer. I know I put the lace trim asidebecause of that it didn't fit in my tiny compartment drawers. But where?!! I know I've seen it, but where? I've looked at all logical places, oh so stupid this one! As a last chance I will look among the fabrics later.

This is a sign of that I need to clean my room and go through everything. I do not have much clutter here, actually, but still..
But I can't do it now, as my vaccum cleaner has got broken "head" or whatever to call the part that is in contact with floor, so I don't want to make a mess before I got a new one! Moving fabrics and stuff arounds really gives a lot of lint.

It is like something is telling to me, "you should not sew".

Word of advice:
NEVER ever put things aside. These will disappear. Place them at their usual place.

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