Stupid me! (and talking about new doll additions both Emerald Witches and Blythes)

Feb 26, 2008 08:58

I bought a lot of 4 emerald witches.

All them had broken mech, but thanks to lamp swapping (the only whole lamp) to one it got working.

I opened 2 and now I've finally finished with them. Opening, repairing the mech, replacing the lamp socket with new ones I bought, repairing cracks, glueing together, wait for glue to dry, getting sanding sponges (yay, thanks, Sherri!) sanded and polished the 2 bodies. Now 3 have working lamps! So I went back to the first one with working lamp, and guess what. I broke the mech on that one when inserting the battery. O__o
Ok, not 3 working, but only 2.

I don't want to open the bodies unless I have to. It degrades the bodies, to looking less good. I opted to open these 2 bodies above, as one has cracks here and there that I had to repair anyway but I had to saw her open on some parts, and the other one was relatively easy to open as the glue gave in. But it is not recommended to try to pry open, the plastic is old and brittle and can crack where you do not want it to open up...

I am telling to myself I am not really playing with their lamps anyway, so I should be ok with having 5 emerald witches with 3 working mechs. (including my first witch Embla)

I got partially refunded by the seller because of the cracks so I am very happy with the deal.

Hair is very frizzy so I will likely rip out the hair on more than the one without hair now. Maybe 3 witches will have rerooted hair.

The new witches haven't gotten names yet. I will name then accordingly when I reroot the hair and all that.

I want to straighten the hair on one, but I don't know if I dare. I used hair flat iron on one, as I've used it on kenners and takaras with success, but it melted the hair! (thankfully didn't test on the best hair) Would normal iron work? Or would boiling work?

Blushy-chan and Baldie. (nicknamed for now) Blushy-chan is the one with best hair out of 4 (and blushiest cheeks out of 5). Baldie is the one I melted the hair on and then removed hair.. haha!

And also btw, I have two additions to my Blythe family, Blueberry Pie (Asian Butterfly EBL with cut hair short hair with short fringe) and Cupcake (FAO Hollywood baldie)!

Usually I don't add any doll officially to the family when it is in majorly unfinished state (just like with the 4 witches above!), but Cupcake was sooo cute I had to add her anyway and give her name. She will be wearing wigs for now!
No photos of these 2 yet.

I plan to paint Blueberry's lips to tomato red. She had painted lip before so there's trace of paint in the crease so I might aswell paint her lips again. :)
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