Small Introduction (Art & Fic)

Jan 18, 2005 13:53

I'd like to introduce you to one of my 1974 - A Marauders RPG (mentioned an entry or so earlier) characters.

As it is, I am and have designed most of the 1974 staff. There's a few faces we all know; Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick, Hagrid... But I don't really like nameless characters without a personality. That's why I've taken it upon myself to create the staff.

Today, I'd like to introduce you to Professor Anthony Shannen, who teaches Ancient Runes. He's not extremely tall, has a bristly grey beard and moustache, very colourful robes and a slightly vacant expression. He's got many tics, weird habits and strange behaviours, but he's still a brilliant Ancient Runes Professor.

The other staff members (and the student body) have the tendency to call him things like 'idiot', 'imbicil' and 'loon' behind his back. He may be strange, but he's certainly not deaf. One day, Professor Elleponte (DADA) handed him a piece of parchment, which he magically fastened to his hat with pride.

Title: 'Anteny Shannen isnot animbicil, luv A.S.'
Fandom: Harry Potter (MWPP-era)
Rating: G
Medium: Pencil
Notes: See the previous paragraph. Anthony Shannen and his favourite pet; his hat.

Title: The Squiggly Circles
Fandom: HP (MWPP-era)
Characters: Anthony Shannen, his Hat, Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Word count: 223
Notes: A small introductory story to Anthony Shannen and his hat.

Minerva was in the staffroom again, quietly reading some book that had noting to do with Transfigurations. Well, she smiled, not strictly speaking…

Suddenly, the light on her book turned into a shadow, hovering over her. She looked up, a little annoyed and embarrassed. It was Anthony.

“How do you like my hat?” he beamed at her. She looked at it.

“It’s the same as always,” she said, her annoyance rising.

He shook his head fervently. “No, no,” he said, “look more closely!”

She looked again. Stared. Blinked. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. She looked back. The pattern of squiggly circles appeared to dance in front of her eyes.

“Isn’t it great?” grinned Anthony. “I’ve given it a life of its own!”

Minerva saw how the squiggly circles moved, disappeared, reappeared, as if they were breading, moving around and finally dieing again. She smiled a little.

“How did you do that?” she asked.

Anthony shrugged. “Just some well-placed Charms, that’s all.”

“You will get stares, Anthony,” Minerva pointed out.

“Yes, I will, won’t I?” said Anthony gleefully. “The students will go nuts!”

She couldn’t help but smile and shake her head as Anthony wandered out of the staffroom, walking with a silly skip that told her he was extremely pleased. She could foresee some staff-members going nuts, as well…

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