Luck20in20 - Round 7: Kristen Stewart

Jun 25, 2011 23:48

Happy birthday to florencia7 !!!!!! She's one of my dearest friends here on lj and I want to wish her love, peace and a million of gifts!!!!!!
Here's an icons for you! Hope you like it:

These 20 icons are for luck20in20 . I haven't really luck - as usual >.< -  this time, I got Kristen Stewart. But as always I've done my icons and I'm very statisfied of the result! She's an okay subject for graphic! Sooo, here you are!


 10 THEMESRomanceClose updrivingRed Sexy

 Song Titlemovie posterDoubleCelebrateSunny

CATEGORY, Body partsb1 - Eyesb2 - Hairb3 - Handsb4 - Legsb5 - Lips

ARTIST'S CHOICEartist's choice 1artist's choice 2artist's choice 3artist's choice 4artist's choice 5

birthday, 20in20, robert pattinson, twilight, kristen stewart

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