Movie20in20 - Round#20

Jun 21, 2011 23:47

Before I start posting these icons, a book suggestion: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. You should read this book, it's very touching and you can't stop thinking about it. Or if you aren't in the mood of reading it, just watch the movie with Keira, Carey and Andrew.

20 various films icons for Read more... )

20in20, dead man's chest, gamer, never let me go, manolete, elizabeth: the golden age, on stranger tides, silk, johnny depp, the lord of the rings, at world's end, the curse of the black pearl, ned kelly, pride and prejudice, tron: legacy, the three musketeers, kingdom of heaven, marie antoinette, the ugly truth, charlie and the chocolat factory, pirates of the caribbean

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lady_turner June 21 2011, 22:16:36 UTC
Thank you very much, dear! <3


kushiels_lady June 21 2011, 22:17:16 UTC
gorgeous as usual :) i think you should make some more kingdom of heaven icons! xxx


lady_turner June 21 2011, 22:19:41 UTC
Awww, thanks!
You're right, that movie is awesome! Thanks for the suggestion! :D


kimluvsorlando June 22 2011, 14:02:00 UTC
I agree, you should do more icons featuring Balian! The one you posted in this collection is absolutely gorgeous and naturally I grabbed it. :)



lady_turner June 22 2011, 18:09:54 UTC
Thank youu!!! Yes, I should but if you go to the tags page you can find more KOH icons under this name! :D


lizbeth_mairead June 22 2011, 00:11:51 UTC

That's a great book. Well, as far as I know. I haven't finished it yet, but I know what happens.


lady_turner June 22 2011, 18:12:36 UTC
Aye, it's a great book even if it's too sad! But I've loved it! <3


sofia_gray June 22 2011, 09:35:06 UTC
Uuuuh sono stupende♥
Mi piacciono moltissimo le category!


lady_turner June 22 2011, 18:13:04 UTC
Grazieeeee!!!! Sono davvero contenta che ti siano piaciute! ^ì


aye_seaturtle June 22 2011, 12:08:13 UTC
Gorgeous! 'Brunette' is really lovely, and you definitely chose the right subject for 'Movie Star'! ;)


lady_turner June 22 2011, 18:13:49 UTC
Thank you!!!! Haha, I agree! He's our star! ♥♥


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