10in30 - Round 11: Vikings

Nov 29, 2016 22:54

Hi people! I come back with a small batch of icons. For this challenge I had to pair characters from my claim to ones of a chosen mythology. It was a very creative round and I had fun making my set also because I'm very fond of myths! Hope you like them and don't you forget to leave a feedback, may it be positive or negative: concrits help me improve!

10 Vikings icons for 10in30

Norse Mythology


Floki & Helga
Loki & Sigyn



[icon talk]
1. Lofn is a gentle goddess. She's reminded as the goddess of forbidden marriages and I think these two aspects fit Judith very well.
2. Frigg is Odin's wife and the goddess of marriage, motherhood and domestic arts. Siggy reminded me of her because she cared a lot for her family and even for the other children and, for protecting the family, she eventually died.
3. I think the picture speaks for itself. I was very tempted to portray Floki as Heimdall, but this episode was a very strong reference to this norse myth. When Loki was punished by the Gods, Sigyn stayed with him, holding a bowl over Loki to catch the venom of the serpent to prevent it from burning him.
4. Okay, this pairing was difficult. I firstly thought of depicting Lagertha as Freyja, but I decided to give this aspect to Aslaug instead. I paired her with Sif because she's both a farmer and a warrior. Sif is the goddess of harvest, but she's often depicted as a valkyrie too. Moreover, the goddess has golden hair, and I think that all those aspects suited Lagertha the best.
5. Baldr is the god of peace, beauty, innocence and rebirth. He was murdered by a Loki's trick. His symbol is the sun. All these characteristcs seem very similar to Athelstan life.
6. So, who doesn't know Odin the All Father? Who doesn't know Ragnar Lothbrok? So, I think there is no need of explanation here. Moreover I added two crows (or something like that) as a reminder of Hugin and Munin.
7. It was hard to think a god that would pair Rollo, but I had to include him because he's my favourite male character. After thinking and thinking, I decided that Thor was the best one. He's the most powerful of the gods, god of thunder and battle. Alongside to his warrior peculiarity, there's a dumb side of him that isn't well known. I think that both sides of his personality fit Rollo very well, who is a formidable warrior and chief, but he also had a couple of funny scenes in the last season.
8. Freyja is the goddess of love, fertility, beauty and attraction. But also of death, wealth, prophecy, magic and war. Beside this last aspect (but I think Aslaug represents anyway a sort of war in the Lothbrok family), I think that Aslaug has all these characteristics. Moreover, Loki always thought that she was a nymphomaniac. Oh, well.
9. Tyr is the God of war. He's very brave, as he put his hand into the mouth of Fenrir the wolf (he eventually lost his hand, but whatever). I think that Bjorn is a brave warrior and he proved this by challenging a bear. And he didn't lost his hand, so I think he's even smarter than Tyr.
10. Hel is the queen of Helheim, the Norse underworld. She's half dead and half alive, so half of her face is beautiful, and the other half is ugly and rotten. Thorunn has these physical characteristics, but I think this dualism depict even her character.

20in20, vikings

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