Redheads20in20: Round #01 - Alyssa Sutherland

Apr 28, 2016 00:34

20 Alyssa Sutherland icons for redheads20in20

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20in20, alyssa sutherland

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Comments 10

ciuciuvaraworld April 28 2016, 13:34:34 UTC
Wow! Waiting for these was long but it definitely was worthy :)
My favourites are faceless, her smile and ac3 :)


lady_turner April 28 2016, 14:21:22 UTC
Aww, thank you! ♥


lacrimadargento May 1 2016, 00:31:34 UTC
Queste si che sono bellllllle icons! Mi piacciono tanto 2, 3, 5, cat1, cat2, ac1, ac5. :)


lady_turner May 1 2016, 16:08:54 UTC
Grazie mille! ♥


fly_meaway May 2 2016, 17:42:22 UTC
I just love the colouring in pattern so much. The background is also stunning, but that in combination with the colouring makes for such a pretty icon. The cropping in smile is so wonderful and really puts the focus on that beautiful smile. The lighting and colouring in her sensuality and her smile are also beautiful. And I love the intensity and lighting in AC3 and the softness to AC4 which you really accomplish with the soft colouring and yet very clear and sharpened face. Beautiful!


lady_turner May 5 2016, 13:48:00 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! You're a sweetheart! I wasn't sure about these icons, so I'm happy to know that you liked them and all the reasons why! ♥


violateraindrop May 3 2016, 20:13:54 UTC
I really like the coloring of faceless, hair and cat1. The crops of smile and AC4 are also great :)


lady_turner May 5 2016, 13:48:30 UTC
Thank you very much! :D


tturners May 24 2016, 17:04:32 UTC
L'icon che più attira il mio sguardo è la quarta ac; il crop è meraviglioso, e amo la coloranzione. Lo sharpening in ac 2, beauty, hair, e smile è sensazionale. L'uso delle textures in fake background & pattern è impeccabile, così come il lighting in outside. Oh, e l'ultima ac è a dir poco mozzafiato! *O*


lady_turner May 26 2016, 19:03:13 UTC
Grazie per il tuo apprezzamento, Sofia! Nelle mie icons riesco a vedere sempre e solo difetti, quindi sapere quali sono punti forti mi fa sempre piacere! ♥


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