Break an arm!

Jun 23, 2006 19:30

Well after two weeks of leading theater games amongst kids who are still young enough to see the humor in the silliness of them, doing gofer duties, helping 20 children take to the stage and develop characters, and rediscovering the abilities of my diaphragm in a disciplinary context (a well-supported "HEY!" can now quiet a room...), the play I've been helping these kids put on is finally about to be performed. Invitations have been distributed, the chairs have been set out in the room where the show will take place; collages of reference pictuers the kids made have been hung on the walls with character analysis sheets and makeup designs accompanying them.

At two o'clock tomorrow, we go live.

The title here comes from the variations on the well-wishing term the kids have been shouting at each other as of late: "What if I don't want to break a leg, huh? What if I want to break arm! Or a finger!" This is typically followed by fits of hysterical giggling. Which brings me to my next point. Even if the show still looks rough to me (as used as I am to exacting direction), these children have enthusiasm that could propel them across an ocean. Despite fits of boredom, fidgetyness, and snappishness, you can tell that most of them really, really love what they're doing and are having tons of fun doing it.

And isn't that enough to make any show great?

P.S. One of my "favorites" has just announced she wants to try out for the Human Race Conservatory, the intensive preteen/teen audition-only training program that honed my skills, taught me discipline, and in general rocked my socks when I was her age. It made my day. It was almost as good as hearing our Edmund actually whine about taking a lunch break because he "wanted to keep ACTING!" *halfearted stomp*

P.P.S. I appreciate that Jene is a staunch, PETA-pushing vegetarian, but do I really have to include "I Don't Eat Animals" by Melanie in the preshow music when it doesn't fit the mood of any of the other stuff? *whines*
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