General Life Update

May 24, 2006 14:11

Went back to my city (aka Yellow Springs) a couple days ago. Got to see the inside of a screenprinting studio in this awesome shop some guy had opened up, and lemme tell you: screenprint machines? Are freaking cool. I ended up buying three pieces of his stuff; I rarely buy shirts, and these were so original (and CHEAP) I could barely resist. Not to mention the shirts and dresses he uses for his work are "sweatshop-free" and made in America (I checked the label; I kind that. /hippie).

Besides, there's something rather intoxicatingly bohemian about getting rambled to about the art of exlporing and exploding form in a barely-furnished studio with cement floors and collages taped directly on the walls.

Also sat down for a yummy dinner at the Sunrise (I got Rod Serling's booth this time; I always consider it a good sign when they seat me there). One of their specials was vegan fettucine alfredo, and I was curious, so I ordered...and was treated to the food of the gods. Instead of trying to copy alfredo flavor, they created a taste of their own: smooth, nutty, and surprisingly rich. I demanded the recipe, knowing the Sunrise is usually pretty willing to part with anything vegan or vegetarian, considering the difficulty of finding good recipes for such. Sure enough, the chef wrote down everything he used, as well as the best methods for preparing it (and pitfalls to avoid when doing so). Best of all, the ingredients list? Proved the sauce I'd eaten was positively PACKED with protein. All of you veggies at school? Give me a night, and I'll try and cook it for you.

They will, however, NEVER give up their recipe for The Bread, dense wheat rolls stuffed full of olives, sundried tomatoes, and other such tasty things. I think I may have heard someone ask for it one out of every three times I've been there. Ah, well. I'll just have to experiment until I figure it out ~_^

Got together with Margaret; I've missed that girl. We started in on a filk about the lame motivations writers feel the need to give villains for whom they can think of no better driving force. Also found that Trader Joe's sells mochi ice cream balls, and have proceeded to make both Margaret and my father try them. Explaining the concept of mochi in any way that sounds remotely appetizing is hard, I've discovered...

Thank the Lord almighty, I've also started writing a little again, and am actually starting to make headway in that Great Summer Checklist of crap I wanna get done. Speaking of which...

Does anyone know a place where I might be able to find either red pleather or a suitable facsimile thereof? I'm working on a cosplay that requires it.
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