First order of business: I did it. I got through the last part of The Fortnight of Eternal Damnation. WAAAAAAAAH. And now summer is's the first day of summer, and OMGWTF I'm BOOOOOORED?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!
Second order of business:
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
You are through the worst. Today could be the start of a new phase in your life where old patterns are slowly but methodically replaced with healthier attitudes. A loving partner could make all the difference in your life very soon.
This was yesterday's horoscope. The last day of my exams. HOOOOOW is my horoscope always RIIIIIGHT?! "You are through the worst..." HOW DOES IT KNOW?!?!?!?! "A loving partner could make all the difference in your life very soon." Whu? I hope that's got something to do with me and my crush...
Thursday, March 17, 2005
You will spend most of the day on a low note, as some recent gloating over an accomplishment has alienated a supporter or two. Shore up support by listening during conversations and refraining from talking about yourself.
Okay, so it's not too right today. I don't think I've really gloated about anything these past few days...rejoiced, yes, but not gloated...but it's definitely right about me spending most of the day on a low note, because until it's 9.00pm tonight, I won't be all that happy...Come ON, 9.00pm, get here already! I need to watch me some LOST!!!!
Third order of business: Just wrote a new Charlie/Claire fic, huzzah! First one in a long time! Anybody interested?
Part 1/
Part 2/
Part 3 Fourth order of business: Must. Watch. ROBOTS. And SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON.
Fifth order of business:
samantha_may, I've e-mailed you about my new layout ideas already, just today...
Sixth order of business: What's this I hear about the musical stage version of LoTR starting in Toronto? Auditions to be held in Toronto too! Whu?
OMG, someone's actually attempted to make a musical version of LoTR!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Seventh order of business: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. 9.00pm, get here already, kplztnxbai.