FIC: Right 'Round (Barriel; Rated R; one-shot)

Jul 05, 2011 21:43

Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: Right 'Round
Pairing: Barriel (Wade Barrett/Justin Gabriel)
Rating: R
Summary: It's a circle, I mean cycle...
Author's Notes: I haven't written a full fic for Barriel in a while, and it was great to finally be able to do it. I hope you guys enjoy this. My Barriel is quite different from my Centon, and I love exploring THIS side of Barrett quite a bit, so let me know what you think! :D
Dedication: To thejamz, because this is her birthday present, and it's two weeks late, but LOL, here you go! Good luck with your Magenta audition, bb, you're gonna be great!; To murderedmuffins, because I'm pretty sure given the chance, she'd knock Justin Gabriel right out of where he is in this fic and put herself there. Oh yeah.
X-posted to: marcianafics, thedarkangels and lady_tavington

( Tsk tsk. I hardly think that's language becoming of an angel. )

Love Lots And God Bless!

justin gabriel, ficzes, barriel, wade barrett, ficcage

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