FIC: Middle Of Nowhere (12/?)

Jan 30, 2005 19:41

Disclaimers: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: Middle Of Nowhere
Pairing: Domilie, Monaboyd, DomBiLie, EmBilly
Rating: Entire series R to NC-17, this chapter PG-13 for language.
Author's Notes: Wrote this chapter in under 2 hours, sho effing proud of myself, phwoarzes! SNAPS ALL AROUND FOR ME! ::snappitysnapsnapzes.:: And thanks so much to everybody who reviewed the last chapter! I loff Cliffhanger-ing all y'all!
Feedback: Iz better than sex. Not like I would know, but...
Dedicated to: Everyone who takes the time to read this and review afterwards! THANKS!
X-Posted To: domilie, monaboyd, lady_tavington and literarydebris

Previous Chapters: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11

( CHAPTER 12~Where Elijah Does Something Stupid... )

dom monaghan, fics, emilie de ravin, billy boyd

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